How to Deploy Java Through An Active Directory Group Policy

Get Source MSI:

  1. Download 32bit Java Offline Installer.
  2. Launch the Install file but do not click anything on the Welcome to Java window.
  3. Go to your temp files LocalLow folder –  C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\jre<version>
  4. Copy the entire JRE folder (not just the .MSI) to some network location that all staff can access.

Customize .MSI:

  1. Download and install ORCA.MSI ( or
  2. Launch ORCA Click File, Open and select the jre<version>.MSI file.
  3. Make the following changes, then overwrite the source msi.


Table Property Original Value Proposed Value Description
Property JAVAUPDATE 1 0 All three need to be changed to completely disable Java automatic updates.
Property JU 1 0
Property IEXPLORER 0 1 Activates Internet Explorer plugin
Property SYSTRAY 1 0 Disables system tray icon when Java applets are active.
Property RebootYesNo Yes No Suppresses the need to reboot – not affected by GPO that I’m aware of but does when installed manually.
Property EULA 0 1 I leave this setting to 0, however if you are installing it via the msiexec through cmd prompt you may need to set this to 1 to install without interuptions.

Now deploy MSI via GPO.
